Participatory budgeting at Laurencekirk event

There is to be an exciting opportunity for people in Laurencekirk to have their say on how a pot of money is to be spent on older people’s groups in the town. Several older people’s groups have been invited to bid for funding to support their activities in a process...

New Church minister appointed

Following the sad death of Catherine Hepburn last March we are pleased to announce that we have a new minister for West Mearns. Brian Smith takes up his appointment on Thursday, 2nd June at an induction service in Auchenblae Church beginning a 7pm. This will be...

Helpers wanted for train station Big Plant-Up

Mearns and Coastal Healthy Living Network Gardening Group and Laurencekirk Primary School gardening group are looking for help to plant up the 16 whisky barrel tubs to brighten up Laurencekirk Train Station at our Big Plant-Up Afternoon. This year we are planting a...

Community Empowerment Act event coming to Laurencekirk

Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action and Aberdeenshire Council are organising an event on this important piece of legislation which has the potential to transform the rights of communities and have a huge influence on the way public bodies work. As well as making the taking...

An invitation to Community Minibus meeting

Mearns Community Transport have extended an open invitation to the community and community groups to attend a meeting regarding the Mearns Community Transport Initiative, who are working to raise funds to purchase a new minibus. The aim of the meeting is to raise...

Back in the saddle for charity event

Rotary Club of Laurencekirk and District are running a sponsored event in aid of UCAN Charity, as part of the Rotary Great Britain and Ireland Rotary Ride 2016. The event will take place on Father’s Day, 19th June. Last year the club donated over £4000.00 pounds...
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