The Queen’s 90th Birthday – an invitation

Her Majesty The Queen celebrates her 90th birthday on 21st April this year but there will be celebrations throughout the country between then and summer. These will mark not only her long life but also her dedication to her country and her 64-year reign as our...

Honorary Treasurer needed to support local charity

Kincardine & Deeside Befriending is looking for a Committee Member with financial experience to oversee the organisation’s financial affairs. This is an opportunity to become involved with a local charity that is operating a much-needed befriending scheme for...

Petition started to save Laurencekirk green space

Sign the Petition Here Laurencekirk Development Trust have launched a petition calling for the former Mearns Academy playing fields to be retained for the good of the community. The playing fields are under threat of being sold by Aberdeenshire council. LDT argue that...

Shaping Laurencekirk part 2 – we need you!

Following the success of the first public meeting to collect opinions and ideas about the future needs for the development of the town, the PAS planning team are making a return to the Academy Campus this Sunday, 13th March. They are there to give us feedback and to...

A warm welcome to (and from) Mearns FM!

Well Hello and Welcome to Mearns FM’s very first blog post! When I was asked to do this I thought “Brilliant – but what am I going to say?!” Well here are my thoughts…. As your local station in the Mearns I do feel sometimes we can...
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