Apr 10, 2014 | AB30, Laurencekirk
The campaign group fighting for a flyover at the A90/A937 junction have decided to show politicians how they feel later this month, with placards! The protest trip to the Scottish Parliament is being organised by campaign leader and main driving force, Jill...
Apr 3, 2014 | AB30, Laurencekirk
News for Mearns Academy Community Campus – Stakeholder meeting, 2nd April 2014. This is the latest in an irregular series of meetings which the council have held to help community groups monitor the progress of our new community academy. The good news is that...
Mar 25, 2014 | AB30, Laurencekirk
2014 is an important year for Mearns Academy, it sees the transition from the old school to the new Mearns Community Campus. This will happen in August, and we are all getting very excited. We have watched the new school going up before our eyes and it is looking...
Mar 7, 2014 | AB30, Laurencekirk
CH2M HILL, who have been appointed by Nestrans to carry out the “Access to Laurencekirk” study, are to hold a drop in session at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday 11th March. Running from 2.30pm till 8pm, the session is open to anyone, and will allow the...