Inner Wheel members learn about Scottish suffragettes

Gladys Johnston chaired the April meeting of the Laurencekirk and District Inner Wheel when they met recently at the Panmure Arms Hotel, Edzell. Retired Royal Marines Major Steve Nicoll, from Brechin presented a very interesting talk entitled Suffragettes with a...

Inner Wheel March meeting report

Our March meeting was held in the Panmure Arms Hotel, Edzell and we welcomed visitors from other Inner Wheel Clubs – Aberdeen St Fittock, Montrose and Forfar. Our speaker was Heather Crabb, who has a professional HR background, who spoke about her involvement...

Mearns 50+ Walkers at Brechin

On Tuesday we met up at Brechin Castle Garden Centre for walks led by Allan and Stewart. The longer walk set off first, following the Brechin Path Network to the north of Brechin along the old Forfar railway line.  The catkins were flowering in profusion along the...

Mearns 50+ walk Montrose to Scurdie Ness

Some 7 members of the Mearns 50+ Walking group set off on a very blustery morning from the Beach Splash Park on the seafront at Traill Drive Montrose. Group leader was Gladys Johnson. A shorter walk was led by Denis Bell and Ian Davidson. Their walk initially took...
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