Mearns Heritage Club Full House

At last Wednesday’s Heritage club, a full house greeted Dr David Northcroft from Muchalls who gave an illustrated talk on his “Grampian Lives” project. He had interviewed over 300 people from Kincardineshire to Moray dealing with memories and...

Charles Darwin’s visit to the Dickson Hall

Last night John Hinton provided an evening of original theatre as he acted out the life and work of Charles Darwin, his friends, family and of course an ape! Audience participation started before the show officially opened and continued until the Ape explored the...

Terrorist captured on the Luther

A North American terrorist was captured today on the Luther water as part of an eradication programme being carried out in the North East of Scotland. The North American mink that create havoc with our wildlife escaped or were released from mink farms across the...

Stakeholders Group hear about Mearns Academy progress

The Mearns Academy Stakeholders Group, representing councillors, community council, academy parent and pupil organisations as well as community groups met for the first time in six months to hear about the progress in delivering the new Community Academy. Despite the...
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