Local news – filling the gap

Laurencekirk AB30 is looking for your local news reports. As the Squeaker no longer has a dedicated reporter this is your chance to increase the local input by submitting the news from your club, business or event. Remember you can include pictures too. Send...

Help report pot holes

Help cure the outbreak of pot-holes in our roads. You can report them to Aberdeenshire Council by the following methods: Phone 08456 081205 Text on 07624820722 Online at https://aberdeenshire.gov.uk/roads/faults.asp For trunk roads report them to www.bearscot.com or...

Local company provide clothing for Bill Murray film

Native Arts Trading is proud to announce that they have provided Native American clothing for the forthcoming Film Four release “Hyde Park on Hudson” starring Bill Murray. UK release date is February 1st 2013. The story of the love affair between FDR and...

The Kincardineshire Observer – less Howe news from now on?

With the sudden departure of Charles Wallace, our long time editor of the newspaper and champion of the local community, we are left wondering what is to become of the weekly news for the Howe. This week’s Observer edition was virtually devoid of any mention of...

WW1 school project – can you help?

The Howe o’ the Mearns Heritage Club are looking for photographs and stories about the area during the First Word War, 1914-1918. This is associated with a project being produced for children in S5 in conjunction with the new syllabus recently introduced in...

Heritage Club Yule Thanks

The Howe o’ the Mearns Heritage Club enjoyed their traditional Auld Yule outing to Sauchieburn Hotel and would like to thank Julie and Helen and their team for an excellent meal. Volunteer bus driver Peter Buxton also deserves thanks for sacrificing his tipple...
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