New Bygone page

We have a new page on the website where you can show your vintage AB30 photos. Whether an old school photo, a scenic view or a photo of life as it used to be, we’d love to share it. Click Here for the Bygone photos page.  

Happy St. Andrew’s Day

It’s 30th November and so the feast day of Scotland’s patron saint. For those of you taking part in a celebration, may it be most enjoyable! If you’ve ever wondered about the origins of the day, you can discover them at the St. Andrew Society website...

Jill Fotheringham’s Junction Petition

We have just heard that Jill Fotheringham’s Petition on the need for a graded junction at the A90/Montrose road junction is being passed to the Scottish Government’s Infrastructure Committee. This is a huge achievement for Jill and her supporters and...

Directories coming soon

The building of our directories for local businesses and clubs & groups will be getting underway soon.  We hope that they’ll become an invaluable resource for the people of the Mearns, and give a boost to the businesses and groups listed. Stay tuned for more...

Better Internet coming soon!

This Friday sees Laurencekirk phone exchange upgraded to ADSL2 – so we’ll be getting 2-3 faster internet! (thanks David Clark for that great piece of news)
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