£680 raised for Mearns Academy defibrillator

I am delighted to announce the result of our fund raising efforts on eBid to help Mearns Academy, Laurencekirk, buy a Defibrillator. We raised the magnificent sum of £580.00 and Janet’s Trust is adding a further £100.00 to that amount making a total of £680.00 for the...

Laurencekirk Bowling Club Open Triples

The Laurencekirk Bowling Club Open Triples competition, sponsored by Neil Ingram, Joiner and Funeral Director, was held on Sunday 10th May. Despite the cold, rainy conditions, the competition was keenly contested, and following a round robin, in the semi finals Robert...

Gala curry quizzers enjoy great night out

A great night was had by the 80 people attending the curry quiz night on the 3rd of May at 7.00 at the Alma Restaurant, including the organisers from the Gala committee. So much so that those taking part were eager to find out when the next one will be! The Alma food...
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