Mar 18, 2015 | Laurencekirk
With the relocation of community facilities to the new school campus, Mearns Community Transport are trying to get an update on the local transport needs of the community in Laurencekirk. They would like to establish if there is scope to expand their fleet or explore...
Mar 6, 2015 | Laurencekirk
Following the success of last year’s event, Laurencekirk Gala day is to be held on 18th July, and the Gala committee have invited anyone who would like a stand at this year’s event to contact them to receive a booking form. Previous stallholders will have...
Feb 5, 2015 | Laurencekirk
Laurencekirk Development Trust invites all residents to their AGM and annual review in the Mearns Academy Campus on Wednesday 11th February starting at 7.30pm. This is an opportunity to hear about the progress on current projects to support and develop this area. It...
Feb 5, 2015 | AB30, Laurencekirk
Thanks to an initiative by Sport Scotland an opportunity is now available to turn the Mearns Academy Community Campus into a local sports hub. Anyone interested in sport and keeping fit should come along at 7.00pm on Monday 9th February and see the opportunities in...
Feb 2, 2015 | Laurencekirk
Laurencekirk Burns Appreciation Group held their Seventeenth Annual Burns Supper on Saturday 31st January in the New Mearns Academy Campus. The supper was chaired by Jim Brown, well known local raconteur and Burns enthusiast, along with the other guest speakers. The...
Feb 2, 2015 | Laurencekirk, Notices
I retired from my work at the Dickson Hall in Autumn 2014, and although my voice is still on the answering machine, I am no longer there! Please contact the Dickson Hall by calling 01561 376896 and leaving your message which will be attended to. The Dickson Hall...