No more Marion at Dickson Hall

I retired from my work at the Dickson Hall in Autumn 2014, and although my voice is still on the answering machine, I am no longer there! Please contact the Dickson Hall by calling 01561 376896 and leaving your message which will be attended to. The Dickson Hall...

A braw nicht oot for Dee’in Fine audience

On Thursday nicht the 29th, Fleeman Productions wi their Dee’in Fine programme hid a’body lauchin hertily. A mix o aul an’ new cast members made a great job o’ their characters, fae ghostly but awfa couthy Annie tae the spirit o’ Sergent...

Burns & Bothy Ballad Lunch a success

The third annual fund raising event of its kind organised by the Dickson Hall Committee on 24th January enjoyed good support. The soup and pudding lunch was prepared and served by volunteers and was followed by entertainment from piper Andrew Young, accordionist Bob...

Laurencekirk Business Club AGM open invite

Laurencekirk Business Club are holding their AGM this Tuesday, 27th January, and for the first time it’s open to the public. The agenda includes discussions on Laurencekirk Bonfire Night & Fireworks display, the club being involved in more local events, and...

Burns, music and lunch this weekend

There’s a great line up of entertainers for the Burns and Bothy Ballads Lunch at the Dickson Hall, Laurencekirk on Saturday 24th January 2015. Music, song and a great deal of fun will be shared with the audience. The event kicks off at 12.30pm with a tasty,...

Access to Laurencekirk proposals info

For those unable to attend the access/A90 junction meeting today, the proposals are available to view or download at the Aberdeenshire council website. They include a feedback form which can be returned by email or post. Alternatively, you can hand it in to Mearns...
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