Apr 23, 2021 | AB30, Laurencekirk
President Frances Wallace welcomed 20 members via Zoom to the April Meeting of the club. She then introduced the speaker for the evening, retired third generation vet, Mike Robson. As the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary...
Apr 6, 2021 | AB30, Laurencekirk
Laurencekirk Artists Society have posted the results of their March challenge on their website. The monthly challenges are a way for members to stay connected during the lockdown. The March challenge was to create a tonal work, and you can see the results here:...
Apr 6, 2021 | AB30, Laurencekirk
A reminder that the closing date for the Laurencekirk and District Rotary Club’s annual Community Service Awards is the end of April 2021. There have been a good number of nominations so far, many for those who have gone the extra mile in their work for the...
Mar 24, 2021 | Laurencekirk
Laurencekirk Artists Society have donated £200 to support a foodbank in Laurencekirk. The donation was made through Mearns & Coastal Healthy Living Network, the organisation which has acted as the ‘hub’ for various forms of support within the local...
Mar 15, 2021 | AB30, Laurencekirk
Thanks to the marvel of Zoom some 35 members joined together recently for their March meeting. It was a delight for the Laurencekirk members to welcome visitors from Forfar, Kirriemuir, Brechin, Aberdeen St Fittick, Arbroath and Montrose. In her opening remarks...