Nov 19, 2015 | Laurencekirk
When Aberdeenshire Council’s Policy and Resources Committee met last week the issue of the old Academy site was on the agenda for discussion. When the new Academy was being planned it was suggested that the Council were to pay for the new site by selling the...
Nov 18, 2015 | Laurencekirk
Kincardine and Mearns Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) have launched a new outreach service in Laurencekirk. Essentially we are bringing CAB to you. It started on Wednesday 7th October 2015, and residents of Laurencekirk and the surrounding areas have been able to make...
Oct 21, 2015 | Laurencekirk
Laurencekirk’s newest coffee shop, Bizzie’s, will open its doors on 5th November. Bizzie’s (formerly Hugo’s) will be managed by Jane from the Clatterin Brig Restaurant. Jane says “I’m looking forward to serving the local community...
Oct 21, 2015 | AB30, Laurencekirk
In April, community groups Laurencekirk Development Trust and Laurencekirk Villages in Control, in co-operation with Mearns Community Council, presented a long-term “Vision Plan” for the development of Laurencekirk over the next thirty years. At the meeting were local...
Oct 13, 2015 | Laurencekirk
Laurencekirk Development Trust & Villages in Control Newsletter – October 2015 With the summer rapidly retreating, this seems a good time to summarise the activities of the group and to share with you both the opportunities and some of the threats we face as...
Oct 2, 2015 | Laurencekirk
When Hugo’s opened its door in December 2012 we had no idea how the business would go. Whilst we would have food, the focus was going to be on coffee – and try to serve the best coffee we could. But would the good folk of Laurencekirk take to the coffee culture...
Oct 2, 2015 | Laurencekirk
Several of the Laurencekirk High Street traders had a meeting last Wednesday (30th September) to continue plans for the now traditional Christmas shopping evening. It will be Tuesday 1st December, when many of your favourite Laurencekirk shops will stay open until...