Jul 12, 2014 | Laurencekirk
After last year’s break, Laurencekirk Gala Week returns with a full programme of events starting Sunday 13th July and finishing on the 20th. It’s going to be a mix of traditional events such as the pet show and car treasure hunt, and and new ones including...
Jul 6, 2014 | Laurencekirk
On Saturday 5th July, twenty teams from the Mearns and further afield took part in the Club’s annual Open Pairs, sponsored by local business CNG Design. The day was blessed with fine weather, and after some very keen competition, two teams from Bervie Bowling Club...
Jun 15, 2014 | Laurencekirk
Laurencekirk Bowling Club is pleased to announce sponsorship from local business, CNG Design Ltd. Chris Graham, owner of CNG Design would like to thank the local community for helping the business to grow from strength to strength since opening in January of this...