The seventh meeting of the season took place at the Panmure Arms Hotel, Edzell, on Tuesday 11 March 2025. There was a large attendance as this was not only our regular meeting but also the 40th Anniversary celebration of the club. To help us celebrate, we had Inner Wheel members from the Forfar, Montrose, Perth and Stirling clubs in attendance. Our District Chairman and Vice-Chairman, along with other District office bearers, and the Vice-President of Laurencekirk and District Rotary club, came to enjoy and celebrate our achievement – we have been very lucky to have a thriving membership, and the club has been able to keep going when others have folded.

We are fortunate to have nine founder members of the club still attending – testament to the friendship and fun that can be found at Inner Wheel. Our President welcomed members and guests and introduced our speaker for the evening, Lyn Smith, FRAS – BAA Solar Section, who provided a fascinating talk about the Sun. Lyn became interested in astronomy from the young age of seven, influenced by Sputnik being launched into the Earth’s atmosphere and causing quite a stir in the media. She joined the British Astronomical Association in her late teens and got her first telescope. Lyn became the Director of the British Astronomical Association Solar Section in 2006 and remains in post, corresponding with solar observers around the globe. Her main duties are to co-ordinate monthly observations; produce a monthly newsletter reporting on solar activity; to give advice and encouragement to observers new to solar observing; and to give talks to public groups. Lyn co-founded the Clydesdale Astronomical Society in 2006 and was chairman for eight years. She is also a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.

After Votes of Thanks to our speaker, and to all who had helped make the evening such a success, a celebration cake was cut by our President and founder President.

As always, new members will be warmly welcomed and if you feel Inner Wheel would be of interest to you, please contact

We are always keen to have assistance with knitting squares and sewing these squares into blankets. If you would like to help with this, please get in touch.

Denise Donald
Club Correspondent

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