The Men’s Shed story started in Australia after it was noted that on retirement, many men found it difficult to adjust. Their main role as family bread-winner diminished, along with their self-confidence. A social worker suggested that the community should create a specific facility which would be user friendly and provide a positive environment for these men.

They built a shed with its own workshop, easy chairs and self catering facilities. It was a real success.

Soon the idea spread around the country and eventually was copied in the UK. Here there are all sorts of men’s sheds in all types of buildings with all sorts of activities. Each group can create their own distinctive “Shed” and programme.

Membership is usually also open to those who are unemployed or unfit for work.

If you have any experience of men’s sheds or like the idea, leave a comment, send a message to, or contact Laurencekirk Development Trust.. The Trust have their eyes on a couple of possible buildings and would like to hear what you think of this proposal.


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